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New design rendering for old swiming pool design

Raised wall at back change and pool design change

Pool 32' x 16' inner rectangle

Then 4' x 8' half circle

use scaled drawing

one middle tallest like this sheer

18" raised

two of these in 12" raised to side

yes correct ones

delivery friday or sooner

so plus 6" each side: then plus 12" each side with water features: then middle plus 18".

Make the widths the same so 10/6 or say 18" each

nice but water feature is too small - it should be longer than the circle on the other side

proportion is wrong circle is 8' wall is 10' so should extend past circle

Also can you take closer shots? And can you do interior with colored plaster? color is fine but not tile. just smooth like plaster

make wall 12' too but circle should be 8' maybe 9' but maybe keep as it is but make wall longer it's ok because it is 3D but should be proportional wall looks too small need look grand

Ok make it look better It looks too small from far away So maybe make it bigger for perspective close up is fine go 30% longer would be better and make back 2' wide so can walk to water feature. maybe try make sides same at 12" high? See what would look better. But it is fine if longer by 30% inside better Ok, so the deck picture: travertine border and then kool decking. The revised design has more details, same as what I sent earlier. The water feature is described.

including stone border

so 2' wide stone border back

and wall make 13' long: maybe just 12" total high

5' middle: 4' each side: and waterfalls with two rain side: one like this middle: same way in height

rain sides as before: middle same style water fall as before but higher.

Use this color and tile and cap stone so capstone is much much thicker like picture but keep water features the same with rain on each side and use blue tile like this

can you offset?

sides and front and rear in tile blue like other picture above

this blue tile wall materials under water as you did it is fine

very nice

need 3 fountains on half circle

Please send image from above birdeye

and take same angle as you did above higher up.

I see that the program makes the wall look small

Please email all the images you did for this include the ones above. Then that is finished.

Making changes so add to bill: Put rain in middle and put the other two on sides with flow like the center. Send the agreed above as ordered. Then send one change as shown in this revision. Then send one more: make all 12" all way 13'. Same water features: rain center: then the outsides to be sheer flow like described above: yes this is also change so add to bill. If you want: send first then I can draw it on the 3D to show the two revisions. That would be best.

yes thanks received can you send one of birdseye with all in image? Ok

no changes CLient says she likes so just add above image there is green water in picture please look.

Please show this image one more time but put rain in middle adn the other style on each side.

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